Take Your Power Back!

 Are you tired of being stuck in endless cycles of bullying bosses and coworkers, abusive family members and partners–feeling powerless to get out of it to have the life you envision? Maybe you have experienced spiritual/religious abuse, and you are trying to reconcile your faith and belief system with what happened? Take your power back from abusers and bullies! You know you deserve more, and you know you have the inner power to rise up. If you didn’t, you wouldn’t be reading this now. The InnerPowered Life is about honoring ourselves and our values, and standing in our worth as divinely-created sovereign beings. There are no victims here, just people who went through things, and decided enough is enough. You have what it takes within you, you just need the tools to uncover it.

What is InnerPowered Life Coaching?

InnerPowered Life Coaching helps you clear out the trauma responses stored in your body, and to rewire your negative thoughts and self-talk to break out of abusive and self-defeating patterns. When you stand in your power, you are free to work toward your goals and dreams. InnerPowered Life Coaching is not mental health care by a licensed provider. It does not diagnose or treat any mental, emotional, personality, or trauma disorder from a clinical perspective. Coaching provides a safe space to discover, process, and apply the solutions already available in the conscious/subconscious mind, soul, or spirit. It is not talk therapy to rehash old experiences with no path to move forward. Participants are responsible for doing their work in their journey, and no specific results can be guaranteed.

About Your Coach

Hi, I’m Robbie Gean Miller! I am a certified Life Coach, with additional certifications in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Coaching, Neurolinguistic Programming, Trauma Informed Coaching, Root Cause Therapy, and Neurodivergent Mindfulness. I have also completed training in various other somatic processing modalities, which have all been transformative for me. I am an autistic and ADHD professional with years of experience in diverse industries. I am currently pursuing a MA degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling. I have a MA degree in Christian Studies, a BA degree in International Relations, a BS degree in Liberal Studies, and an AS degree in Business Administration. I am a U.S. Air Force veteran.

I have personal lived experience of journeying and healing from adverse childhood events, bullying at school and in the workplace, unhealthy partner relationships, and spiritual/religious abuse. I got tired of the same experiences and patterns, and made it my mission to do something about it. I want to give you the tools to change negative patterns, and to work toward the life you want to experience.